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Monday, August 30, 2010

Find a peaceful "third place".

It happens, we all get stuck in the same path of going from work to home and then back. Not much in between, and getting into a rut of the same daily places. For many years now, sociologists have said we need to find a "third place" where we can go and get some perspective. Where you can stand outside yourself and get a different look at life in a whole new way. Some people find that place in a familiar restaurant, favorite shop, or a place they meet up with friends. Some would prefer to be around a large crowd of nobody they know. Others would just like to get lost for a little while and for a new change of place.There are many benefits to having a "third place". Do you have one yet? Think about how it would inspire you and shake up your day, your week, your life. If not, there no time like now to go find one.

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